To find out the applications of the following article, see the "Product details" section.
The YUASA company was born in Swindon: Yuasa Battery Sales (UK) Ltd (YBSUK) was founded for the sale and distribution of industrial batteries in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
It produces industrial batteries and in a few years creates other offices in various points of the world becoming one of the leading companies with a wide range of batteries for any need: cars, commercial vehicles, industrial applications, motorcycles and powersports, lawn mowers, battery chargers, testers, accessories.
If the battery is not used, it must be charged once a month so as not to damage it.
If this first charge is not performed correctly, the battery can:
- lose 20% of its nominal capacity
- lose 30% of its total duration
A battery that remains completely discharged for more than a month will irreversibly deteriorate.